Nigerian banks went on a roll of shading each other on twitter few
days, it all started when Sterling bank uploaded an image containing
logos of other Nigerian banks
"Shoot for the moon, become a star - it's the least you deserve. Welcome to #SterlingBank" Sterling bank captioned the post
"Shoot for the moon, become a star - it's the least you deserve. Welcome to #SterlingBank" Sterling bank captioned the post
Union Bank replies
Union Bank which has been in existence since 1917 went the 'sho mo age mi' route with a tweet that said: "When the elders speak... #SimplerSmarterSAFERBank."
Access Bank replies
Access Bank replied "We
will travel on an imaginary rocket too, if we were a one-customer
Microfinance Bank; but with ten million customers and counting, we
rather bring the galaxy to you! #YouAreWorthIt #TakeTomorrow
#KnowYourElders." Ouch!
First Bank shows them
First Bank replied with this " And straight into the trash can. #RespectYourElders #MoveOver #NextPlease #YouFirst" and followed it up with this "What an elder sees while sitting, a child cannot see even if he travels to the moon. #RespectYourElders #YouFirst."
Where is GTB?
Surprisingly, GTB has yet to make a reply.Lets keep our fingers crossed, shall we?
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